First Spring Whispers

First Spring Whispers

I’ve recently been over to the UK to visit family. There is a deep nostalgia and belonging that comes with being in a place that grew you, a place that was your whole world – until it wasn’t. Over the six weeks I was there I experienced the changing...
The smell of winter rain

The smell of winter rain

It has felt like nearly every day in the past weeks has brought rain. Right now, outside the studio the rain sweeps sideways through the valley, on the back of a rather aggressive westerly; an oppressive palm of wind flattening the tops of trees and beating down the...
Not Free, Not Cheap, Not Best – Website Builders 2022

Not Free, Not Cheap, Not Best – Website Builders 2022

You’ll often see blogs with titles like: The best website builders for … (yogis, authors, side-hustles) and they’ll list a bunch of sites and Starting from $tiny Let’s have a proper look. Bluehost Basic Plan $2.95/mth first year, then $10.99/mth But limited Email with...
Cold scent & winter yin

Cold scent & winter yin

I’ve always loved the change of seasons. There is a potency that surrounds the shift from what you’ve become accustomed to, to something both new and familiar. It is refreshing and nostalgic, leading your senses to re-encounter your environment. Things...
On the radio

On the radio

I recently spoke with Aaron on Raglan Community Radio about my process, perfume and why I love doing what I do. I was a little nervous to speak on the radio, but it was really fun and I found I could have spoke for much longer. If you’re interested, you can...
inside coa

inside coa

coa was born from a desire to encapsulate and create ritual ritual (n) a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly, especially as part of a ceremony. The ceremony part of this definition evokes to me a sense of consciousness – there is an...

Spring Equinox & Ritual

Twice a year the sun crosses the celestial equator – on both the spring and autumn equinox. The Spring equinox in the southern hemisphere fell today. The word equinox comes from the Latin meaning ‘equal night’, which represents how on this day, the hours of...

When words turn to music, and scent into stories

There is a creative energy that simmers, locked under the surface skin of routine, of ‘real’ life. It seeps through cracks, dripping melancholy into old days and new ones. Most days there is no space to bring it to a rolling boil. And so, my Creativity is...